
What's on top?

First up, a huge thank you to our subscribers and supporters for your generous donations toward the Community Organising Fellowship. Your donations mean we can offer heavily subsidised places in the program for grassroots and independent campaigners to participate in next year's program.

This month we've opened applications for the 2015 Community Organising Fellowship. For a second year, we're especially reaching out to activists and organisers working in the climate movement and on campaigns focused on coal, gas and renewable energy. Other campaigners are also welcome to apply. The intensive program includes 22 days of residential workshops spread over 6 months, guest speakers and an expert facilitation team, mentoring support and a comprehensive curriculum. Applications are due by 31 August.

The next big thing? In coming months, we'll publish the first instalment of our People Power Manual. The manual is a joint tCA-Pasifica project. It will be published as a series, each containing process guides and handouts written for organisers, activists and educators. The first instalment is on strategy and includes many of the process guides we've developed, adapted and discovered over the years, along with workshop outlines and advice for facilitators. This project has been a labour of love for several tCA members and associates. Watch this space.

Tasmanians care

Making public support visible: Glenn Walker on organisational renewal

The iconic Franklin River campaign - the cornerstone of our foundational story at the Wilderness Society - enlivened a budding movement and inspired a generation. It demonstrated that when passionate, committed people get organised and work together even the most entrenched power can yield. Over 30 years on from the historic High Court decision to save the Franklin River, the …

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what makes people tick

Winter activist reading

What makes people tick? The three hidden worlds of settlers, prospectors and pioneers Chris Rose is well known to campaigners and strategists for his brilliant website and manual How to Win Campaigns. With What makes people tick?, Chris introduces the reader to settlers, prospectors and pioneers. Companies and campaigners, from Greenpeace to Shell, from the National Trust to Unilever, from …

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Grassroots action | Jane Stabb on sharing campaign skills in her community

At Environment Victoria, we are creating a structure to support local volunteer groups in our target areas with the objective of building and supporting a network of connected, engaged, and empowered community members who campaign actively to get great environment protections. While I was at the third workshop of the Community Organising Fellowship, I was contacted by a local from …

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Bill and Col in the gallery

Circles of commitment, ladders of engagement

The Wilderness Society is using an adaptation of the ‘Circles of Commitment’ framework adapted from Rick Warren’s “The Purpose Driven Church” to develop a conceptual framework to measure the activity and engagement of individuals in our organisation. The Wilderness Society speak of ‘Circles of Engagement’ (rather than 'Circles of Commitment'). We found that people attach too much emotive value to …

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Great online resources

Enews subscribers regularly share with us the websites and online resources they’re developing, discovering and learning from in their community organising. Enjoy this month’s batch and be sure to drop us a line to suggest links for the next enews.

How alliances to stop climate change are possible, but require a radical rethinking of how we work together

Amanda Tattersall writes: A key concept in community organising is 'self-interest'.' Self-interest” is a frequently used phrase, and like “community organising”, it is an often misunderstood term. When community organisers use the term self-interest we contrast it to 'selfish' and 'selfless'.  The word self-interest derives from the Latin word inter-esse which means 'to be among'.  The idea of a person’s self-interest is not simply about 'getting …

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Engagement organising: The technology and culture of building power

Matt Price and Jon Stahl write: "We are in the midst of a historic shift from one era of social change advocacy to another.  A world of expert-driven, direct mail oriented organizations is giving way to nimble, data-driven, learning organizations that place relationship building and mobilization of supporters at the heart of their work.  There is a model emerging here, and …

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Movements at the station: Campaigning, organising and winning elections

Joel Dignam's blog: "There are hundreds of campaigners trying to make Australia a better place, using an array of tactics that sometimes work and sometimes don’t, with comparatively little reflection or analysis, and very little connection with the gradually expanding world of campaign field-testing."

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Upcoming learning opportunities and events

For details of other workshops and learning opportunities, visit our calendar.


Facilitation training short course | 24-25 July, Sydney

This training includes a comprehensive online follow up program that further develops your skills, and provides a framework for reflection and further learning.  Research clearly shows that follow up programs increase the ‘stick-ability’ of the training.Our approach is lively, and brings the Art of Facilitation to life. Using our own Model of Facilitation, our input has two key components. Building actual Emotional Resilience so …

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Training for social action trainers | Minneapolis, July 25-27

This is an intensive training designed for experienced facilitators wanting to revitalize their work, new trainers wanting to inspire, teachers, community leaders, activists -- anyone wanting to take their skills to a new level and learn how training can be used more effectively. Training and facilitation skills are a key element to successful organizing and movement building. People who have …

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Advanced training of trainers | Minneapolis, 29 July - 3 August

Deepen and broaden your facilitation skills in an advanced workshop open only to graduates of Training for Social Action Trainers. Together we'll tackle some of training's biggest challenges -- including doing cross-cultural work, handling conflict and strong emotions, and modifying workshop designs on the fly -- and experiment with new solutions. Full details and registration

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Social media best practices for NGOs | 17 July, 21 August & 18 September, online

This webinar series will train NGOs, nonprofits, and charities worldwide on how they can better utilize social media to showcase their programs and fundraise online. The 90-minute webinar is being offered three times to accommodate NGOs in multiple time zones and the content of each webinar will be tailored to fit the region it is being presented for. Learn more …

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The Brains Trust method | 19 August, Sydney

Using many brains to solve tricky problems A half-day workshop for project managers and facilitators (in any field) The Brains Trust Method is a rapid, creative way to: design any kind of project, create any kind of strategy, surprise yourself with delightful, imaginative ideas. It enables us to develop strategies in socially and technically complex environments, where there are no …

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Kotare Winter School: Challenging capitalism | 22-24 August, Aotearoa

Challenging capitalism: How do we organise to build our strength now? Following on from our highly successful and stimulating summer school, we look to develop our thinking on the challenge to capitalism further in our winter school, which asks: “How do we organise to build our strength now?” We have a variety of workshops planned and several invited guest presenters will …

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Facilitation training short course | 2-3 September, Melbourne

This training includes a comprehensive online follow up program that further develops your skills, and provides a framework for reflection and further learning.  Research clearly shows that follow up programs increase the ‘stick-ability’ of the training.Our approach is lively, and brings the Art of Facilitation to life. Using our own Model of Facilitation, our input has two key components. Building actual Emotional Resilience so …

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Dynamic groups: the art of creative facilitation and learning | 13-18 October, Maleny, SEQ

This training course for teachers, trainers, facilitators and group leaders utilises and models creative facilitation techniques, interactive learning methods, empowerment tools, dynamic group energy and fun. Participants are empowered to develop their confidence, skills, knowledge and a tool box of processes in an exciting, colourful and supportive environment. Robin facilitates these courses all over Australia and internationally by invitation and …

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Commonground Festival 14-16 November, Seymour (Victoria)

Commonground is celebrating its 30th birthday as a social enterprise that supports the social change movement this year. Commonground Festival is a music festival with a difference, set on beautifully regenerated bushland one hour north of Melbourne. It's a celebration of working together to create a just, sustainable and nonviolent world. It’s also a celebration of Commonground; the place, the people and the ideal we …

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Training calendar: Our Community

Upcoming training opportunities on grant writing, successful boards, effective meetings, governance, media, online essentials, campaigns that sizzle, and being an effective spokesperson. Our Community has developed a suite of affordable, practical training to help community sector staff, volunteers and supporters keep abreast of their responsibilities and learn how to lift their organisation from ordinary to extraordinary All training is delivered by …

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Groupwork Institute training calendar 2014

At the Groupwork Institute, we have a passion for collaborative management and group facilitation.  When we can be supported to work well together great things can be achieved.  It is when people can collaborate - genuinely and effectively - that we can best contribute to help build a just and sustainable world. We have worked in the field of collaborative management …

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