
Identifying leaders and leadership

Jane McAlevey has sharpened many organisers’ thinking about how to identify, cultivate and harness leadership. Here’s a links to an 11 minute video where McAlevey explains her thinking. This New Syndicalist blog summarises her three ‘takeaways’...

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Leadership in an uncertain world | Social Change Central

In the context of what can feel like overwhelming complexity we default to old patterns and responses, but they’re not working. Traditional leadership interventions are no match for the complex environmental problems impacting the planet. We need a systemic...


What is self-leadership?

Great leadership is a cultivated art. It begins with self- leadership. Because at the center of leadership is the person who, more than anything else makes the difference. Leadership success or failure begins with how the leader approaches...


Global learning: leadership & teams training

Successful leadership relies on finely-honed skills of listening, questioning (including oneself) and asserting. Our innovative workshops and coaching sessions develop these skills through shared understanding and openness in groups.


Community toolbox: Learning how to be a community leader

Community leaders take responsibility for the well-being and improvement of their communities. Are you a community leader? Are you interested in becoming one? Community leaders are often self-appointed. Even people who run for office first make a decision that they...


Community Toolbox

The Community Tool Box is the world’s largest resource for free information on essential skills for building healthy communities. It offers over 7,000 pages of practical guidance in creating change and developing community.

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