sustainable activism

Activist trauma

A site primarily for political activists who may be injured during or by their political activities and or struggling with other mental health issues related to activism.


Sustaining self-care

A workshop that allows participants to reflect about sustainability (self-care, to practice techniques for long-term sustainability, and increase awareness of what balances them (and what depletes their energy).


Support groups and sustainable activism

An assortment of resources developed by Katrina Shields to promote sustainable activism: among other things describing the importance of establishing support/accountability groups and how to get them to work effectively. Contact us for copies of Katrina’s...


Heart politics revisited

“Heart politics revisited” is part autobiography, part manifesto, and it dares to dream about a new politics with people at the center. “Heart Politics Revisited” is a new and expanded edition of the classic 1985 handbook for activists....

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