Cutting the issue [process guide]

Objectives Help reduce the scope of campaigns in order to focus efforts on where change can really be achieved.Consider the possible consequences of working on one part of a problem rather than others. Some activist organisations find the idea of ‘cutting the issue’ a...

Cutting the issue

It’s next to impossible to make a difference on a huge problem. How you ‘cut’ the problem into issues will influence your prospects of success, and the consequent impact. What parts of the problem (and the solution) are amenable to your...

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Strategising for change

This workshop introduces a suite of practical tools for developing and evaluating campaign strategy. Workshop participants apply these tools to real-life problems to develop realistic strategies and tactics. The tools are suitable for both small grassroots groups and...


A map that charts the territory between our current position and the achievement of our intended change objectives can help us achieve our purpose and avoid the sense of being overwhelmed that often accompanies social and environmental activism. Our maps can be simple...

Critical path analysis [Process guide]

Objectives Inspire positive thinking about the future Shift to focusing on outcomes rather than tactics Outline some threads in the campaign’s stages Learn and practice the process to ‘cut issues’ Provide experience and skill in defining clear objectives Deepen our...