James is co-founder of the Change Agency and director of our Community Organising Fellowship.

Full Spectrum Engagement

Build community power to win campaigns. Full Spectrum Engagement is the combination of strategic principles and multi-channel tactics that together enable campaigners to effectively activate community power, target decision-makers and win. This engagement framework...


Playbook for Progressives [book]

An organizing manifesto for the twenty-first century, Playbook for Progressives is a must-have for the activist’s tool kit. This comprehensive guide articulates pragmatically what is required in the often mystifying and rarely explained on-the-ground practice of...

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Minds of the Movement blog

Minds of the Movement bloggers are a diverse group representing more than a dozen countries to date. They write for those interested in the ideas and experiences of people on the front line of civil resistance, and those who seek to understand the art and science of...

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Advanced Diploma of Group Facilitation 2018

Working well with groups to harness the wisdom of everyone present, for the best outcome, requires more than experience in the role of running a meeting or leading a team. Development of effective communication and leadership skills, self-awareness and actively...
