
Diaspora Action Australia

Diaspora Action Australia (formerly the Humanitarian Crisis Hub) works with Australian community groups that promote the human rights of people living in war and conflict. We do this by supporting their initiatives; providing resources, information and...

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Diversity is inefficient

We shouldn’t bother with diversity unless we plan to make the time to be inclusive. Because diversity without inclusion backfires. Almost always. Over and over again I’ve seen people with the best intentions of building racial bridges horrified to see...

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Community empowerment key words

These are not definitions, but notes about concepts related to empowering low income communities. They are directed first to community field workers, but will be of interest to planners, activists, academics, students, researchers, programmers, managers and...

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Coming out as a working class man (George Lakey)

Classism is more powerful (and more subtle) than most middle class activists realize. Activist groups can grow by changing their internal culture to encourage members who were brought up working class to be who they fully are.


How to build safety in a group

If the facilitator and the group do a good job of building safety, then the participants will frequently go out of their comfort zone in order to stretch and grow. This document outlines techniques for developing security within a group.

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